The Transformational Rockstarr

Posts Tagged ‘ISYS LLC

I can truly attest to the fact…FACT, I tell you…that when you stand strong in your faith you can overcome anything! And I do mean anything!

Two Saturdays ago I was in a very unsafe predicament. While going around a curve on the highway the tire rod on my front passenger side came loose. Immediately, the ride got very bumpy. I pulled over onto the median (where two highways merge) to step out and look at the tire. It looked like it was in tact, so I made an attempt to merge to the right so I could get off and take the streets to my destination just in case it wasn’t all good.

Guess what? It wasn’t all good!

I didn’t even get clear out of the median before my tire really went haywire! Thank God the shoulder was right there. So I pulled over and commenced to making phone calls.

Here is where my faith test began.

The first call was to my insurance company. In the past, they offered road side assistance up front. Meaning they contacted a tow company, had your car towed to wherever you chose, and paid for the towing. Now I’m being told that I have to call a tow company, have it towed, pay for it, and they’ll reimburse me a set amount. *insert major eye roll* So I hang up with them and search for tow companies.

The next call was to one that I chose based on ratings. They said they could have someone out within 30 – 45 minutes and gave me a price…which was DOUBLE what my insurance company would reimburse me. *insert second major eye roll* Given my location (highway) safety level (way too low) and the fact that I wasn’t alone (all three kids were with me) I set it up to have them pick up my car and tow my car to the dealership.

The third call was to my dad. (Daddy ALWAYS saves the day!) Thank God he was home. I told him our location and he said he was on his way.

The final call was to the dealership letting them know my car would soon be on their lot. I told them I thought my axel was broken, but wasn’t sure. They said they would check it out when the car arrived.

Fast forward 30 minutes.

Still no tow truck. Still no dad. Still no safety zone…and these cars are FLYING by trying to get to the exit! By now I’m having to honk to alert them they’re nearing the shoulder. I called my dad and my mom answered. He gets on the phone and realizes he was on the wrong side of the highway. Attempt #2 has begun.

Fast forward 20 minutes.

He pulls up behind me. Still no tow truck, but by this time my  boys are freaking out and my daughter (who can’t seem to contain her laughter in serious situations) is near gut-busting level with tears of hysteria. We hopped in the car and pulled off.

Super fast forward to Monday. I call the dealership to find out the particulars of my car. This is when the faith test goes into full throttle. They tell me the inner AND outer tire rods are broken, something came loose (may have been tampered with, but that’s another blog for another day), and to repair everything would be damn near the amount of my rent!



Now, my emergency fund was cleared out leaving a very violent situation. I’m in the process of recouping it, but haven’t made much progress. And now I  have to contend with this. So, not only do I have the standard first of the month bills to cover, but I also have to squeeze in a repair fee…that may have been done intentionally by some spiteful being or on his behalf.

*turns up the faith knob*

I freaked out, naturally, for a few hours. Then, that night, when it was time to say my prayers I gave it all to God. I said, “God, I don’t know how you’re going to fandangle this (and, yes, I said fandangle – God knows how I talk), but I know you got me this time like you’ve always had me before. Yes, I might stress because I’m human, but at the end of the day what you say goes so I’m going with the flow.”

That was Monday night. By Friday, I had accumulated enough money to cover my expenses AND my repair!!! No cash advance needed, because that’s the route I was going to take if need be. Now I believe even stronger than before that when you ask God for a need he will supply it right in the nick of time!

Inevitably, situations will arise. Sometimes it’s to test you. Sometimes, shit just happens. Either way, it’s an opportunity to strengthen your faith, increase your vibrations, and test your belief that things will work out accordingly in the end. Sure, it may not be to your liking (there are a myriad of ways I would have rather spent that “extra” money), but it is definitely in your favor. When it happens – and that’s “when” not “if” – take full advantage of the opportunity to grow. Yes, it sucks in the moment and feels really uncomfortable, but in the end you’re stronger, wiser, and have a better perspective of your life and your current situation.

What recent situations have required you to stand strong in your faith? Comment below! And if you feel like your faith isn’t strong enough, allow me to be your ally!



My friends have a way of inspiring me without even knowing it. During said friend’s morning radio show (Shout out to Miss Thang from Power 95 in Bermuda!!!), she was reading an email she received from one of her listeners. He stated that he was a long time listener of her show and, recently, his wife started listening in also. Long story short, he stated that his wife’s outlook on life, work, and other areas began to change and she was more positive and optimistic due to advice my friend would give during her show.

Now, I’ve been listening for about couple of weeks (now that I finally found an app that works!) and I can attest to the power of her advice. Not only is she kind, funny, and a great host – but she’s REAL! The words she speaks are powerful because they are true. When it comes from the heart you can just tell; when she gives her views on a subject, advice on how to overcome adversity, and her final thoughts before the show ends she’s just being her genuine self.

That’s just it thought. When my friend is speaking on the radio she’s not aiming to change lives, but she does it anyway. People, whether you know it or not, someone is always listening and watching – some are even waiting for an answer to a prayer. You never know who will be touched by your words so it’s best to use them for good. Not only does it help those that may be listening to you, but it also helps you directly. There are enough people in the world spewing envy and hatred. As weak as that energy is, it’s easier to gravitate towards because it’s a low vibration. However, when you speak kindness, love, gratitude, and appreciation you vibrate at a higher level. When other’s receive your words and believe in them they, too, begin to vibrate higher.

As a writer at heart and a true lover of words, I know that each one comes with it’s own energy. The combination of these words, in addition to the intent used behind them, will determine how this energy is used – and received. Each energy has a message behind it. If it’s a negative energy, there’s a cry for help. (I need attention. I need love. I need to be heard. I need to be understood. I need to understand.) If it’s a positive energy, there’s a presence of gratitude. (I love you. I am here for you. I believe in you. I can help you. I will listen to you.)

Even if you don’t speak to be heard, every time you do speak someone close by can hear you. You may not be talking to them, but your words – and their vibrations – are being picked up by those around you. Think about it for a minute. Have you ever walked passed someone during an argument, or heard someone receive bad news, or listened to a tragic story? How did you feel? Bad…sad…horrible? That’s the effect words have on you…on me…on everyone. So not only do you need to be careful with your own words, but you also must be mindful of the words spoken TO you and AROUND you!

Language is a beautiful way to communicate. It’s like water…a necessary element of live that can create and sustain life…or destroy it. People are silently listening to your every word. Be intentional with your words…and be very, VERY careful.

How do you feel words affect you? Comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!


They say it takes 21 says to change a habit 30 days to solidify it, and 6 months to a year to make it second nature. If that is true – and I believe it to be so – then any habits you’ve set out to change – or resolved to change – are now in the green!

*hi-five up top*

So what is there to do now? Keep going! The temptation will be easier to ward off. The desire to backslide will be less and less. That doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted to go back to your old ways, but let’s think about this for a second.

You’ve gone 21 days – TWENTY-ONE DAYS – into your new lifestyle. How do you look? How do you feel? How is your energy…your drive…your determination? Are things going for the better? Do you feel as if you’re on the right track? Or did you slip up along the way?

No worries! You still have time to get back on track. It’s still early in the game. Bottom line…NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO QUIT!!!

Keep moving forward and before you know it you’ll have better days ahead of you and a bad habit behind you!

I believe you!



No one likes death. Even though it’s simply a transference of the Spirit from one realm to another, that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. What’s even worse than death is an unexpected death. The  removal of someone from your life in, what has been called, “an untimely manner.” This type of death leaves you asking a million questions, the main one being, “Why?”

Here’s the thing though. Death isn’t always the absence of life in the body. Sometimes, it can be the absence of life in other areas as well. Last year was full of unexpected deaths for me, but I’m not talking about the death of a loved one (although that, too, struck a strong chord with me). I’m referring to the death of relationships: three to be exact. And every single one was unexpected in it’s timing, process, and outcome.

Who were these relationship deaths? *breaths* The death of the man I was in love with. The death of my marriage (no, it wasn’t the same person…soon you’ll understand). Finally – and probably the most painful – the death of my best friend. All of these relationships ended within months of each other. It felt like I was spiraling out of control. Hindsight can be 20/20 at times. Right now, this is as clearly as I can see – we’ll call it 15/20 – because I’m not done grieving yet.

So how did I deal with these deaths?! Well, at the time I was all over the place – or so I thought. Today, I realized I had been going through the grieving stage – and didn’t even know it. There are five main stages of grief (along with sub-stages) that I went thought…and none of them were fun.

Image result for stages of grief*credit: Pinterest

Denial: Nah, this wasn’t really happening. I wasn’t being choked in my own bedroom by my ex-husband in front of my son. He was just stressed. I wasn’t still in love with a man that said he loved me, but wasn’t ready to commit. I broke that feeling years ago. Our bond was 20 years solid…she didn’t just abandon me like that. It was the wedding and school stress that caused her disappearance. I made an excuse for every single demised relationship. I blamed it on schedules, mind games, mercury retrograde…you name it, I faulted it. I faulted everything except the parties involved. I mean, things happen and soon we’d get it together…right? Wrong! That man I was so madly in love with…can’t even return an email. The ex-husband who wanted to “work it out?” I guess he decided I’d be better off dead. And my best friend of 20 years? Well, I guess that’s not long enough for loyalty.

ANGER: Oh, I was mad! BIG MAD!!! How could I commit so much of myself for so long only to reap nothing in return? How was I so stupid to believe that my marriage was real, or that “he” was the one, or that the way I treated and supported her would be returned when the shoe was on the other foot? How could they all abandon me like that, leaving me in a dust pile of nothingness, covered in scars, blood, and tears – and not even say they were sorry? And how could I let them? Where was my self-respect? How did I not see this coming? Why were they placed on pedestals while I was merely an option in a cabinet? He told me he wasn’t ready. Why did I fall in love with him anyway? He told me he was from the streets. What made me think he would be a good husband? I was always – ALWAYS – there for her. Where in the hell was she when I needed her?

Depression: If I wasn’t so against medication I’d probably be on every psych pill known to man. This shit hurt, I mean HURT! This wasn’t a one night stand, or a 6 month boy toy, or a casual chick I’d hang out with if I was super bored. This guy was the epitome of everything I wanted in a man. This man was the one I committed myself to in front of a judge AND God…after driving NINE HOURS to get to him! This was a 20 year friendship filled with kids, birthday parties, clubbing nights, hospital visits, and family connections. These weren’t just everyday people. These were individuals that had my  heart…my SOUL! Casual acquaintances be damned…these three meant EVERYTHING to me and left me feeling like I meant NOTHING to them! No amount of cake, music, or clinical therapy in the world could take the pain I was feeling – and am still feeling – away.

Bargaining: Talk about making deals with – nope…I’m not going to say it. But I will say this is my current stage…yet within the last few days it’s flipped. At first, I was thinking of reaching out to these people – well, everyone except my ex-husband. He can go f**k himself! But I wanted to reach out to the man I loved and see if maybe, just maybe, we could be friends. I mean, sure he may still not be ready, but we can be friends…right? I was thinking about reaching out to my ex-best friend. Maybe it really was the stress of school and the wedding. Maybe she didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Maybe she tried – she really tried – but she just couldn’t come out and say what she really wanted to say. I battled with my mind and my ego back and forth on this for weeks. The holidays – ugh – they were the worst! It just wasn’t the same.

And then it hit me…the bargaining isn’t about getting back with them; it’s about getting back on track.

That’s where I am right now. I’m no longer trying to find ways or excuses to rekindle dead relationships. I’m no longer beating myself up for trusting individuals. I’m no longer playing “victim” nor “survivor.” I’m simply trying to find a way to move on in life without them. I’m finding ways to heal from the hurt. I’m finding a purpose for the pain. I’m making a deal with myself to be a better version of myself.

What’s after this? The final stage: Acceptance.

No, I’m not completely there yet, and that’s okay. These stages bleed into one another. So I guess you can say I’m at a healthy 4.7; still bargaining, but I have pretty much accepted the fact that I may never see nor hear from these individuals again. It used to hurt, but I’ve been though that. I was mad about it, but I’ve been though that. I was sad about it, but I’ve been though that. Now it’s time to get real about it. Their season is over in my life. My season is over in their life. No one is any more right or wrong than anyone else. Who knows, they may feel a certain type of way about me. If that’s the case, and on the rare chance they’re actually reading this, I apologize. Nothing was intentional; it was simply the actions of a broken person, not an evil spirit. I’ve learned and grown from it and I pray that you have, too.

The reason why I’m sharing this with you is two-fold. First, I need an outlet. Since I have no BFF anymore – outside of my Misfits – there’s no one I trust enough to vent to that could handle it. It’s part of my bargaining stage: to face what was, what is, and what is soon to be. I’m okay with that. The second reason is because as a coach this is what I help other women overcome. I didn’t have anyone to hold my hand through my stages. I want to be that hand for the next person…as a support system…without judgment or belittlement. I’m not a therapist, nor do I want to be. All they do is ask a bunch of repetitive questions based on the past. No real, current healing can begin that way. (Not knocking therapists…but from experience it just didn’t work from me).

Grieving can cause road blocks that prevent you from living, laughing, and Loving again. It’s imperative to get back to life after death. You may not know how…but I do, and I’m here to help you. What are you grieving in your life? How are you handling it? What stage are you in? (If you say none it’s denial! LOL! I KID!) No matter what life used to knock you down, no matter what relationship, opportunity, or career path has died, you can recover and you can move on.

Leave your story below. Inspire someone else. Need more help, guidance, or clarity? Contact me at

It’s time to get back to YOU again!


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